Training Blog
Training the Training Aces Way: Communicating with your Pup
Our main focus in training is to teach dogs to have manners! Actual manners. Not just sit for a second. Not just listen when they feel like it. But actual real life manners that make our furry friends a joy to live with for 10+ years. Not only does our style of training make your life easier, but you’ll find that it allows your pup to live a happier, more adventure filled life with you! The first step to creating a polite pup is simple: communication!
They say that communication is key in relationships, and that is also the case with a dog to human relationship! Dogs aren’t born understanding how to speak human and live in our world, so it is our job to bridge the gap and teach them! Here are some ways that we teach your pups to effectively communicate with humans!
Training Games! Yes, games!
We want your dog to love learning as much as you love enjoy having a well mannered pup, so we always start learning our training language with a series of fun games that begin to introduce a few “marker” words that will let your pup know when he is doing the right thing! Using training games makes training just as fun as a game of fetch for your pup!
A Simple Language
When we teach dogs to speak human, we keep it very simple and easy for dogs to understand. We use only a few words that are easy to say and understand: Yes, No/Nope, and Good. When teaching something new, we only use these words at first, and don’t name the new behavior until we’re sure your pup understands what we want. It might sound too simple, but we promise, once your dog knows these words well, they can learn anything!
Hand Signals
Dogs are naturally very good at picking up on body language, so we use this to help a lot in training! We introduce not only words for new behaviors, but also hand signals which will help your pup understand what you’re asking for!
Teaching Dogs to Think on their Own
This one is especially important in creating manners! Not only do dogs learn to do as they’re told when they’re told, but we teach them to think on their own which creates a pup that will make the correct choices without being asked. Instead of asking for a dog to sit politely, we wait to see if they offer it to us on their own. When we do this, dogs learn to really think about what we want and will develop polite default behaviors such as sitting or lying down.